Mississippi native Dr. Grace Sturdivant founded Otopro with the intention of helping people protect their hearing. Dr. Sturdivant specializes in hearing protection for hunters, swimmers, musicians, police officers, and other fields. Hearing clearly is a key to communication, and Otopro exists to help you hear clearly and safely. Listen in as Dr. Sturdivant shares the importance of protecting your hearing functionally. Check out https://www.otoprotechnologies.com/ for your custom hearing protection,
Emmie King joins us on this episode to discuss what is like owning a family business, and how hard work has been ingrained into her. As a child, Emmie watched her mom become the first women business owner in MS when her mom founded Nandy's Candy. Emmie shares with us what it has looked like to carry on a family business. We know that you will enjoy this episode, give it a listen.